In the business since 1982, our management team has extensive industry experience.
All Aerospeed drivers are:
Company employees, not contractors
Uniformed with ID badge
TSA approved
We talk to people from all over the country every day. Now you can put a face with a name.
Brian Cuddy
General Manager
Hired as a driver in September of 1986, Brian has served in all operational positions and sales He was given the opportunity to show his stuff in1989 when he was promoted to Operations Manager.
David Moorhead
AM Supervisor
David has been part of our team since July of 1999. As our lead dispatcher, David is involved with the minute to minute details of our drivers and vehicles.
Bill Derby
PM Supevisor & Parts
In addition to running operations in the evening, Bill is responsible for the inventory management for our parts banking customers. Also starting as a driver, Bill has been with us since October of 2001